On October 8, our Club met for lunch at our usual meeting venue, Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces.
The meeting began with President Mark giving some updates about our Club and our District. Past President WT also summarized two consecutive weeks of delivering hot meals to the elderly and to sanitation workers. Before the speaker program, our members also celebrated the happy news that our Honorary Member Vivien Lau was awarded Silver Bauhinia Star by the Chief Executive on October 1. A cake was prepared by Regal for the occasion and shared by all at the end of the meeting.
Our speaker of the day was Mr. Jackson Lam, an automotive consultant who has worked in marketing and corporate strategy for some of the largest auto manufacturers and their distributors in the world. Jackson shared with us the latest and greatest advances in autonomous transport, the prerequisite of which is a stable electric-based system and sensor technologies. Jackson noted that China is at or near the forefront of autonomous driving, mainly because provincial and local governments have been very accommodative towards the testing of autonomous vehicles on their roads. Another reason is because there is a huge amount of venture capital chasing this holy grail of autonomous mobility in the most populous nation on Earth. All these result in a large amount of training and testing data that make these systems more robust and sophisticated.