Mr. Titan Lam, founder of TIRAPY, came to our Club on November 28 to talk about the TIRAPY system, a therapeutic medical system that helps to improve blood circulation and encourage controlled muscular movement. The concept of the system takes inspiration from multiple disciplines: neuro-endocrinal science, kinesiology, psychology, and martial art. While Mr. Lam himself is a decorated martial artist with over 30 years of combating experience, our members in attendance did not have the privilege of seeing a demonstration of his martial arts skills. What Mr. Lam demonstrated, however, was better: the TIRABALL, the centerpiece of the TIRAPY system. The TIRABALL is an inflatable ball with metal ball bearings inside. As the user moves the TIRABALL, the ball bearings start to move, thereby providing centrifugal force and added resistance as the user continues his/her movement. Mr. Lam gave examples of how the TIRAPY system has helped people with muscular degenerative diseases to improve their muscular strength and acuity. Past District Governor Eugene Fong and President Mark attested that juggling with the TIRABALL is no walk in the park, as both started to sweat and feel mild exhaustion after barely a minute of fiddling around with it.