As part of our Club’s effort to serve and promote our members’ vocations, our Club and Rotary Club of Kingspark Hong Kong jointly sponsored and recorded a series of detailed interviews discussing the upcoming budget. The series, divided into segments of “income”, “expense”, “pandemic”, and “future”, features members of both Clubs: Rotarian James Sung from Kingspark, also founding Director of Hong Kong Progress and Perfection Research Institute, as policy commentator and interviewer; and Past President Webster, also current President of The Taxation Institute of Hong Kong, as topical expert. The segments are released on either side of Financial Secretary’s unveiling of his budget. Part 1: income Part 2: expense Part 3: pandemic Part 4: future
On January 28, our Club continued our regular meeting on Zoom due to the ongoing pandemic and government gathering restrictions. Governor Elect Keith was our speaker. Coco joined as guest. The meeting began with a slew of updates of Club and District activities. Past President Webster gave a quick introduction of our vocational service project with Rotary Club of Kingspark Hong Kong. Past President Grace summarized our service outing at Holy Cafe on January 23. Governor Elect Keith then shared with us his Rotary journey, which began in the late 2000s. A few years later, he said he hit the jackpot as he was elected President at his home Club, Rotary Club of Admiralty, during Past District Governor Belinda’s year of district governorship in Rotary Year 2014-15. Throughout his Rotary life, he has served our District in many capacities. He often brings his family with him, especially during community service. Governor Elect Keith has a clearly-defined and robust vision for his upcoming governorship. One of his priorities is to develop a stronger working relationship between Rotary and Rotaract, the status and prestige of the latter to be upgraded significantly in 2022. In short, starting on July 1, 2022, Rotaract will…