Club meeting on Zoom

On April 23, our Club conducted our meeting online, the second time ever. This is in part a response to government’s social distancing guidelines and recommendations to avoid large group meetings, and in part a response to Rotary International’s recommendation to move all physical meetings to online platforms. Michael Yan, Charter President of our Interact Club of King’s College, joined our Zoom meeting to share with us his life as a university student affected by the current pandemic. According to Michael, many classes are moved online, with a lot of focus on pandemic and related topics. As a medical school student at HKU, he found it unfortunate that all the lab and hands-on training had to be postponed. As a Riccian, however, he found more time to spend with his fellow hallmates, and made sure he stays healthy by exercising lots. He even participated in our Amity Walk for Living Water 2020, and logged more than 20,000 steps on the last day of the Amity competition. He also managed to volunteer his time, including delivering surgical masks to homeless and elderly with Professor Lai Ching Lung and his volunteer team.

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