13th Hong Kong Blind Bowling Tournament

On February 25, President Jason and Rotarian Ka Man, and her lovely son Chun Yu attended the Blind Bowling Tournament which is an annual event for our Club and our Interactors. This year we have been joined by nearly 10 members from Interact Club of King’s College, and 4 members from the Rotaract Club of HKU Lap-Chee College International. And we got some really good bowlers from Lap-Chee, who has won individual champion and also 1st runner up for his team! Congratulations!

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Joint-School Interact Club Afternoon Tea 2023

On July 4, President Jason, Past President Grace and President Elect David attended the Joint-School Interact Club Afternoon Tea 2023, held at St. Clare’s Girls’ School. The event was co-organized by our Interact Club of St. Clare’s Girls’ School and a few other Interact Clubs in Hong Kong, including our Interact Club of King’s College.

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Hong Kong Outstanding Student Service Ambassadors Award Programme

Congratulations to our two Interact Clubs: Interact Club of King’s College and Interact Club of St Clare’s Girls’ School won the Merit Award on their joint project under the underprivileged service group for the Hong Kong Outstanding Student Service Ambassadors Award Programme 2022/23 hosted by District 3450. The team included President Wendy Cheung, Agnes Chow and Anna Ho from St Clare’s Girls’ School and President Danny Hung, Enikin Ho and Herbert Lau from King’s College with title of the project – Creating a Harmonious Society Together addressing care for the underprivileged and manifestation of civic responsibilities. President Eliza attended the award ceremony and congratulated them in person.

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Blind Bowling 2023

A total of 6 Interactors from King’s College under the leadership of President Danny joined the Rotary 13th HK Bowling Tournament for all x 12th HK Blind Bowling Tournament at South China Athletic Association Bowling Centre in Causeway Bay. President Eliza and President Elect Nominee David had a few swings as well but didn’t manage any strike. Past President Grace came to show support. Our Interactors carefully helped our blind teammate to position well for the swing. Our Honorary Member Vivien was Guest of Honor at the event. Great team work by all!

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CPR/AED Training with Interactors

President Eliza, President Danny of the Interact Club of King’s College together with 21 Interactors attended the Adult Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation and Automated External Defibrillation (CPR/AED) training by St. John at the HK St. John Ambulance Headquarters from 10 am to 5 pm with a test after the training. A very meaningful LEARN TO SAVE LIFE course. A quick recap on CPR: Place heel of hand on the lower half of breastbone in centre of chest with other hand on top of first. Press down 1/3 of depth of chest and give 30compressions. Aim for approximately 100 compressions per minute. Continue CPR (30:2) until ambulance arrives or casualty recovers. For AED:

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District Blind Bowling Tournament

On June 12, President Sam, President Elect Eliza and 8 members of the Interact Club of King’s College participated in the tournament at the Bowling Centre of South China Athletic Association. Our Honorary Member Vivien was a guest of honor of the tournament. Vivien jumped in and gave tips to our novice bowlers. Even though our three teams did not win any prizes, our Interactors had a fun-filled morning and gained valuable experience competing together with bowlers from the Hong Kong Blind Sports Federation.

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CDMF Carol Singing

On December 12, President Sam, Past President Grace (and mom and sister), Past President Webster (and his two sons), Immediate Past President Mark and President Elect Eliza went to support Interact Club of King’s College in their participation in CDMF’s Carol Singing Festival at the newly renovated Central Market.

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Installation Ceremony of Interact Club of King’s College

President Sam, Charter President Patrick, Past President Webster (Youth), Past President Kay, Past Pressident WT and President Elect Eliza attended the Installation Ceremony this year. President Rain Lau, School Principal Mr. Tang, Ms. Kwok, Ms. Leung, and the Club Committees welcomed our Rotarians. Principal Mr. Tang expressed his optimism that Interactors will be able to serve the community in the “new normal” and emphasized that Rotary/Interact is a valuable institution for young students. President Sam spoke about the Rotary International Theme, “Serve to Change Lives.” Charter President Patrick encouraged Interactors to adopt Rotarian values and principles in all things they do, in school and outside school. Past President Webster talked about the concept, “一齊服務 ,一齊健康”, loosely translated to be “serve together, and be healthy together”. Next, President Rain reported on activities completed in 2020-21 and his plan for the “new normal” in 2021-22. Finally, our Rotarians presented Interact pins to all the officers and committees of the Interact Club of King’s College.

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