District Training Assembly

On April 27, various members attended District Training Assembly. Our Club had a large delegation of attendees and incoming officials, including incoming District Secretaries Past Presidents Grace and Angela, and incoming District Treasurer Past President Webster. Of course the leader of our delegation was President Elect David, who also was present to vote on the District Budget for Rotary Year 2024-2025.

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Rotary Peace Workshop

On January 27, District Peace Committee in collaboration with Rotary Action Group for Peace Hong Kong and Macao Chapter hosted a Peace Workshop, featuring among others our very own Rotary spouse Maurice Yeung! In attendance included Past District Governor Belinda, Past President Grace and of course Past President Angela, Maurice’s better half.

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Governor’s Kitchen

As part of District Public Image Committee’s effort to enhance the public’s knowledge of Rotary and Rotarians, Governor’s Kitchen, a video series featuring casual conversations among Rotarians in our District, was conceived. The video series is chaired by our Past President Angela. Charter President Patrick was recently invited as a special guest in Governor’s Kitchen to share his wisdom of life.

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63rd District Conference

The 63rd District Conference was held on May 20-21, 2023, at Regala Skycity Hotel. Many of our members attended: President Eliza, Past District Governor Belinda, Past Presidents WT, Angela, Dora, Ricky, Lily and Mark, and Rotarian Ka Man. Past District Governor Belinda chaired the Foundation sessions, while President Eliza managed the Preserve Planet Earth breakout. Past President Lily was on hand at the leaders’ lunch on the first day, while Past President Angela led group discussions during a Diversity Equity and Inclusion breakout. Past President Dora was in the Conference Organizing Committee, managing the conference floor and banquet. President Eliza also reported that she was part of the welcoming party that received our Mongolian Rotarians at the airport the day before the Conference.

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Club meeting — Optometry

Our Club regular lunch meeting was held at Regal Hong Kong Hotel on April 27. Rtnnes. Wendy and Sara also attended the meeting; Rtnne. Wendy said she was there specifically to say hello to our Treasurer Past President MK, who has been continuing his rehabilitation. Before our speaker program, President Eliza welcomed back those who have been traveling abroad for the past few weeks. President Eliza also summarized a number of Club and District events. Past President Grace recounted a fantastic evening at Paul Harris Birthday Dinner: she credited Past President Angela for chairing the Organizing Committee, and Past District Governor Belinda and her company for sponsoring the event. President Elect Jason reported that he attended District Grant Management Seminar as well as the prize-giving ceremony of Island Scouts Virtual Walkathon. Led by Past President WT, members also sang happy birthday to two birthday boys and girls: Past District Governor Belinda and President Elect Jason. Charter President Patrick brought the limited edition painting by Rotary International President’s brother he bought from the auction during the Paul Harris Birthday dinner. Dr. Bruce Chin, an optometrist with a PhD in vision sciences, was our speaker. Dr. Chin gave an overview of the…

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Paul Harris Celebration x Major Donors Appreciation Dinner

On 19 April, District Governor Norman Lee and the District Foundation Committee Chair Past District Governor Belinda Yeung co-hosted a special event to celebrate Paul Harris 155th Birthday, and to show appreciation to Major Donors, members from the Bequest Society and Paul Harris Society. The Dinner sponsored by the Regala SkyCity Hotel was held at its state-of-the-art Ballroom. Besides Past District Governor Belinda, other Rotarians from Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour also joined the Dinner; including Arch Klumph Society members Charter President Patrick Poon, Mrs Wendy Poon and Immediate Past President Sam Poon, and Major Donor Past President WT Wong. Others include Past President Angela Hui who was Chair of the Organizing Committee, while Past Presidents Grace Yen and Dora Liu were members of the Organizing Committee.The night was spent under lots of fun and entertainment. District Governor Norman sang “Imagine Rotary” and help raised funds for the District Foundation. Our own Charter President Patrick succeed in auctioning a limited edition painting by artist Darren Jones, who is the brother of the Rotary International President Jennifer Jones.

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