Visit to Sister Club Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen

As a tradition, our Sister Club Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen held their 26th Anniversary Celebration on May 2, 2024 at Taipei Garden Hotel (台北花園大酒店). We have five representatives attending including President Jason and Sara, and Past Presidents Dora, Webster and Mark. In the afternoon, our Sister Club treated us to a lunch of authentic Taiwan-cuisine at 山海樓, and after their Anniversary Celebration, we all went to karaoke for extra fun!

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District Training Assembly

On April 27, various members attended District Training Assembly. Our Club had a large delegation of attendees and incoming officials, including incoming District Secretaries Past Presidents Grace and Angela, and incoming District Treasurer Past President Webster. Of course the leader of our delegation was President Elect David, who also was present to vote on the District Budget for Rotary Year 2024-2025.

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Blood Donation

Past President Dora, Past President Webster, Past President Lily, and Rotary-ann Sara visited Red Cross Blood Donation Center in Mongkok to give blood (and save life). Past President German Hui of Rotary Club of Lan Kwai Fong, District Blood Donation Chair, also joined us. The day closed with a nice afternoon tea.

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Visiting Taipei Mingmen

On May 5, President Eliza, Past Presidents WT, Dora and Webster, and President Elect Jason represented our Club to attend the 25th Anniversary Celebration dinner of our sister club, Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen. All Clubs within the same Area of District 3481 joined the dinner celebration too! One of the highlights was the charity painting auction for one of the Food Banks in Taiwan.

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Club meeting — Casual Sharing

On April 13, our regular lunch meeting was held at Regal Hong Kong Hotel. Because President Eliza was still traveling in Taiwan, President Elect Jason wore the Presidential Sash as acting President for the day. District Governor Norman paid an unannounced, surprise visit. Six Club members attended. Due to the low attendance, our speaker program was postponed to the coming weeks, with details to be announced soon. Many Rotarians were absent as they were either out of town or bedridden due to sickness. President Eliza (Taiwan), Past President Kay (Italy), Past President Dora (Korea), Past President Mark (New York), President Nominee David (Edinburgh) and Rotarian Tony (Shenzhen) sent their apologies from abroad. All three Rotarians (Past PresidentAntonio, Past President Mark and Rotarian Tony) who were scheduled to be on duty were out of town and unable to perform their duties. Thankfully, they found three willing replacements (Past President Webster, Immediate Past President Sam, and Rotarian Fei) who calmly reported that not much duty was needed as the meeting turned into an intimate gathering where conversation flowed freely. District Governor Norman gave a summary of past and upcoming District activities. In the end, Rotarians and our District Governor wished those who…

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Carbon footprint and offset challenge

As part of our Club’s mission to raise awareness of each of our personal carbon footprint, our Club challenged our members to calculate their own annual carbon footprint using Hong Kong Government’s carbon calculator. 46%, or twelve, of our members did the calculation. We then asked those who did the calculation to consider offsetting their carbon emissions by purchasing Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) through United Nations’ Carbon Offset Platform, a program under United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. Of those who took the time to calculate their carbon footprint, all agreed to offset their annual carbon emissions. Our Club identified a project in India that converts agriculture waste into energy, and subsequently purchased CERs specifically in support of that project. We purchased CERs as a group, the record of which can be found here. We thank all our members who took time not only to better understand global warming and carbon emissions but also to calculate their own carbon footprint — an important step in raising awareness. We look forward to future challenges, in particular to find out if, by becoming more aware of personal emissions, those members who calculated their current footprint manage to reduce their future footprint…

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Anniversary Dinner

A relaxing and fun-filled 36th Club Anniversary party was successfully held at Regala Skycity Hotel on March 25, 2023. The party was attended by over 65 Club membersand guests. District Governor Norman Lee, District Governor Elect Andy Li, District Governor Nominee Nigel Lo, District Officers, and 20 members from our three sister clubs — Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen, Rotary Club of Taoyuan Southeast and Rotary Club of Pudu. The highlights of event were the sister-club signing ceremony with all three sister clubs to continue our partnership to do GOOD for the community; new memberinduction for Rotarian Ka Man Wong; the pinning of new Paul Harris Fellows and multi-Paul Harris Fellows for President Eliza Ning, Past President Grace Yen, Past President Eddie Leung, Past President Webster Ng and Rotary Ann Coco. What’s more? A party of 35 Rotarians and family members joined the Lantau tour on nextday which further fostered bonding among all. Last but not least, we thank our President Elect Jason Ling for his great leadership of the dinner, and we are looking forward to our next anniversary celebration with many more Club members and friends!!

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Club meeting — Club AGM

Our Club met to celebrate Christmas and to elect our Club Board for RY2023-24. President Elect Jason chaired the dinner meeting while President Eliza took leave of absence due to illness. There were 22 attendees, including our Honorary Member MF and his wife Ping, 13 members, and 7 spouses. President Elect Jason began by summarizing past activities and upcoming ones, including our women’s health screening project with Caritas. Thereafter, PE Jason moved onto the main focus of the evening: our Annual General Meeting. After quorum was met, PE Jason declared the General Meeting opened. He proceeded to move through the agenda, including putting up his nominations for next Rotary Year’s Club Board, for members’ consideration. In the end, all nominees put forward by President Elect Jason were elected by acclamation. After AGM was declared closed, our fellowship began. For sharing, President Elect Jason brought two prized bottles of single malts, while PP Mark brought two bottles of red wines. Sumptuous dinner was provided by Regal, followed by an exhilarating game of Bingo, hosted by Past President Webster, Past President Lily and President Elect Jason. After Past President Eddie playfully complained in our Club Whatsapp group that not everyone won something,…

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