64th District Conference

On May 18, District Conference was held at Regala Skycity Hotel. Many of our members attended District’s most important event of the year: President Jason, Past District Governor Belinda, Past Presidents WT, Grace, Dora, Ricky, and Mark, and Immediate Past President Eliza. One of the plenary keynote speakers, Mr Michael Wong Wai-lun, GBS, JP, Deputy Financial Secretary of the HKSAR Government, was a past member of our Club. Many members were involved in various aspects of the Conference, including Past President Dora, who was a floor manager, and Past President Grace, who was an MC during Foundation Lunch.

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Paul Harris Celebration x Major Donors Appreciation Dinner

On 19 April, District Governor Norman Lee and the District Foundation Committee Chair Past District Governor Belinda Yeung co-hosted a special event to celebrate Paul Harris 155th Birthday, and to show appreciation to Major Donors, members from the Bequest Society and Paul Harris Society. The Dinner sponsored by the Regala SkyCity Hotel was held at its state-of-the-art Ballroom. Besides Past District Governor Belinda, other Rotarians from Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour also joined the Dinner; including Arch Klumph Society members Charter President Patrick Poon, Mrs Wendy Poon and Immediate Past President Sam Poon, and Major Donor Past President WT Wong. Others include Past President Angela Hui who was Chair of the Organizing Committee, while Past Presidents Grace Yen and Dora Liu were members of the Organizing Committee.The night was spent under lots of fun and entertainment. District Governor Norman sang “Imagine Rotary” and help raised funds for the District Foundation. Our own Charter President Patrick succeed in auctioning a limited edition painting by artist Darren Jones, who is the brother of the Rotary International President Jennifer Jones.

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Anniversary Dinner

A relaxing and fun-filled 36th Club Anniversary party was successfully held at Regala Skycity Hotel on March 25, 2023. The party was attended by over 65 Club membersand guests. District Governor Norman Lee, District Governor Elect Andy Li, District Governor Nominee Nigel Lo, District Officers, and 20 members from our three sister clubs — Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen, Rotary Club of Taoyuan Southeast and Rotary Club of Pudu. The highlights of event were the sister-club signing ceremony with all three sister clubs to continue our partnership to do GOOD for the community; new memberinduction for Rotarian Ka Man Wong; the pinning of new Paul Harris Fellows and multi-Paul Harris Fellows for President Eliza Ning, Past President Grace Yen, Past President Eddie Leung, Past President Webster Ng and Rotary Ann Coco. What’s more? A party of 35 Rotarians and family members joined the Lantau tour on nextday which further fostered bonding among all. Last but not least, we thank our President Elect Jason Ling for his great leadership of the dinner, and we are looking forward to our next anniversary celebration with many more Club members and friends!!

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