Club meeting — The Rotary Foundation

On May 27, our Club met at Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces. Several announcements were made before the speaker program. President Mark urged members to support Interota 2020 Hong Kong by signing up and joining the event virtually. President Mark and President Elect Sam gave more details about an upcoming joint Board meeting, to be held on June 21. President Elect Sam also announced several important dates for our Club and District: June 24 (Club Assembly and last Club meeting of RY2020-2021), July 8 (Club Installation), and July 10 (District Installation). Club Installation would be a regular lunch meeting, at Regal HK Hotel. Final arrangements are still to be hashed out, dependent upon social distancing rules of the day and the number of members and spouses wishing to attend. At the moment, both outgoing and incoming District Governors, both outgoing and incoming Assistant Governors will attend. Finally, according to President Elect Sam, District Installation would be held in the afternoon, at HKCEC, with no meals. Members who have yet to sign up but wish to join should contact President Elect Sam directly.…

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