In the past decade, Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour has partnered with Amity Foundation HK, a registered charity in Hong Kong, to improve potable water access all over the world. This year, we are participating in Amity’s “Walk for Living Water 2021”.

The event has three goals:

(a) to encourage exercise during times of social distancing;

(b) to encourage better understanding of the scarcity of potable water around the world; and

(c) to raise money for water projects around the world in 2021-2022.

Our Rotary Club, together with our affiliate professional and philanthropy networks, managed to raise well over HK$100,000 for Amity’s water projects in 2020-2021, including in rural villages in Nepal, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, and the Philippines. Our Rotary Club aims to raise a similar amount in the coming weeks.

We encourage you to participate by:

DONATION. President Mark and Rotarian Jason will each hike 15km in support of the event in the week of April 11-17. While hiking, they will also carry liters of water to raise awareness of communities around the world that lack adequate access to water. Please send your donation of support! The deadline to send in a donation is June 30, 2021 for the project implementation period of 2021-2022. Please make a direct donation in one of two ways:


You may make a donation directly to Amity Foundation with your favorite Visa or Mastercard.

Click here to donate. Under “Special Request”, please remark “Rotary”. Also, please let Mark or Jason know about your donation so that we can add your amount to our campaign, unless you wish to support anonymously (which is just as welcome!).

Fringebacker may charge administrative fees.

2. Direct Donation to Amity

Please remit to:

Amity Foundation, Hong Kong
Account (HSBC): 127-5-017372
Account (Citic Bank): 701-1-2239100

Alternatively, please mail crossed cheque (payable to Amity Foundation, Hong Kong) to:

Amity Foundation, Hong Kong
13/F Ultragrace Commercial Building
5 Jordan Road
Hong Kong
Attn: Walk for Living Water 2021 (Rotary)

For donations above HK$100, please send: (a) your full name, (b) your contact information, and (c) a copy of your remittance record by mail to the address above or by email ( for an IRD-approved official receipt (HKSAR only). Please specify that the donation is for Walk for Living Water 2021 (Rotary).

PARTICIPATE IN THE WALK. All you need to do is to click here to register. The registration fee is HK$100, payable by credit card (Visa/Master). Follow instructions on how to join the walk and upload your exercise record. Deadline to register and participate: April 22, 2021 (Thursday).