The Club meeting on September 12 had a full agenda: we have invited Ms. Vicky Woo to tell us more about Social Enterprise Doctor, a Rotary sponsored activity that was started by some Clubs in our District in the previous Rotary year. Meanwhile, Area 3’s governing team sent their special envoy, Deputy Assistant Governor (and our Club’s IPP) Lily Chan to give an update of our District. Finally, Outgoing President Sally Oh from our Rotaract Club of HKU Lap Chee College International came to give her annual report.
First to the rostrum was DAG Lily, who put down her IPP hat, put on her District hat, and gave us updates of our District, including the creation of Areas 11 and 12 to facilitate better and more attentive District governance. One side effect from the creation of new Areas that affects us greatly is that both our baby Club, Rotary E Club of Lantau, and our grandbaby Club, Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong, are moved from our Area to one of the newly created Areas. We are sad to see them go, but we are sure that our connection and fellowship shall continue unabated.

Next up was Rotaractor Sally, who gave a detailed report of her Club’s activity in the past year. Their signature project was inviting dozens of senior citizens to visit their College and the University, a place that many of them have only heard of and never been to. The Rotaractors anchored the visit with a dim sum lunch, during which Rotaractors and college mates entertained the senior citizens with various entertainment programs. Sally made note that due to the event’s enormous success, they plan to host another visit this year and repeat many of the great things that they did last year, with one exception: they may surprise the senior citizens with a retro-themed party that promises to give them one memorable day to remember.

Finally, Social Enterprise Doctor (“SED”) service project is formed in 2018 by a team of voluntary management consultants from a number of Rotary Clubs in our District. SED provides voluntary management consultancy service, on a hand-in-hand basis, to participating social enterprises (“SEs”). By utilizing Rotarians’ professional knowledge, business experience, and social network, SED aims to equip SEs with entrepreneurial thinking and innovative approaches to enhance their competitive advantage in the market, as well as to improve their operating performance. Ms. Woo shared with us some of their success stories, including how their volunteer teams managed to solve business, financial and marketing issues facing SEs.