Assistant Governor’s visit

Our Club continued to meet on Zoom due to pandemic conditions and gathering restrictions in Hong Kong. The meeting was graced by the official visits by Area 3’s Assistant Governor John Wong and Deputy Assistant Governor Gilbert Fung. During the meeting, Board members took turns to give updates of our Club affairs to Assistant Governor John and Deputy Assistant Governor Gilbert: President Mark gave updates about our Club’s giving to The Rotary Foundation, District Grant, our sponsored Rotary scholar, Youth Service etc. Past President Angela, as Membership Director, summarized our membership growth plans and fellowship plans with the pandemic in mind. Rotarian Jason, as Service Projects Director, gave details of our various projects, from our special pandemic grants to our local service partners to our biweekly volunteering activities. Rotarian Jason also gave updates about our Rotary Cares Food Aid 2020 Project. Past President Dora, as International Service Director, summarized our liaison with our sister clubs, our active global grants, and international service partners. Assistant Governor John not only gave timely advice about how to conduct meetings and fellowship during the pandemic but also offered help to be a bridge between District and our Club. The meeting, despite its virtual nature,…

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