District Training Assembly

On April 27, various members attended District Training Assembly. Our Club had a large delegation of attendees and incoming officials, including incoming District Secretaries Past Presidents Grace and Angela, and incoming District Treasurer Past President Webster. Of course the leader of our delegation was President Elect David, who also was present to vote on the District Budget for Rotary Year 2024-2025.

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Visiting our Sister Club in Taoyuan

As a tradition, our Sister Club Rotary Club of Taoyuan Southeast held their 28th Anniversary Celebration on April 1. Eight representatives from our Club attended, including members, spouses and family members. On the second day, we joined a day tour to Yilan (宜蘭), where we enjoyed local food, fruit picking, boat ride and local food again. Just like past years we were flooded with the hospitality, passion and souvenirs from our beloved Sisters!

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