On July 10, District Installation was held. The guest of honor and speaker was the Honorable Bernard Chan, GBM, GBS, JP. During the Club Presidents’ Installation Ceremony, outgoing President Mark passed the president’s sash to incoming President Sam. In attendance from our Club were Charter President Patrick, Past District Governor Belinda, Past Presidents WT and Grace, and President Elect Eliza. Later in the day, during Past District Governor Belinda’s presentation of Rotary Foundation Major Gifts and Pledges, President Sam announced the largest pledge of the day, the US$250,000 Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour 35th Anniversary Endowment Fund. The investment earnings from the Endowment Fund is to be designated perpetually and solely for scholarships in Rotary District 3450.
More details will be shared with all Club members in the 1st Club Assembly on the evening of September 23.