Past President Anthony Ngai, chair of the District Preserve Plant Earth (PPE) Committee and member of Rotary Club of Hong Kong South, was our speaker. His topic was “Supporting the Environment”, Rotary International’s 7th Area of Focus. In our District, there are a number of initiatives, such as tree planting, beach cleaning, sustainable seafood, PPE education and newly-added PPE project advisory for clubs. When asked, Past President Anthony believes it is not too late to adopt green practices to reduce carbon and plastics. In terms of beach cleaning, Past President Eddie brought up a point that educating people about plastics and responsible waste management is even more important than physically cleaning the site. Past President Anthony also gave an example of a cutlery renting service to reduce plastics consumptions. This service will be pushed to large District events to minimize plastics use, and Past President Anthony encouraged our Club and Lap-Chee College Rotaractors to consider this service in our activities.
Our meeting was visited by Rotaractors from Rotaract Club of HKU Lap-Chee College International. Rotaractors included a majority of the incoming 2022-23 team: President Thomas, International Vice President Siqi, External Vice President Subaita, Si Man (International Service), Katherine (Professional Development), Joe (Community Service), Xiaohang (Club Service) and Crystal (Club Advisor).