On April 22, our Club met at Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces.
Past President Dora, first to report, gave details regarding our virtual meeting with our sisters at Rotary Club of Taoyuan Southeast: it would be a Zoom affair, with the two Clubs’ respective Presidents Elect introducing their incoming Board members and their current Presidents giving a quick update of services in the current Rotary year. Past President Dora said that a Zoom link shall be provided to all in due course. Rotarian Eliza and Past President Angela detailed arrangements of our tree planting outing on May 1, with District Preserve Planet Earth (“PPE”) Committee. Rotarian Eliza also promoted beach cleaning, to be held on May 9. Finally, President Elect Sam highlighted the arrangements of the upcoming District Training Assembly, to be held on May 8. It would be a hybrid occasion with both physical and online options for those interested.
Rotarian Eliza was our meeting’s speaker, who shared with us the current government consultation on the Producer Responsibility Scheme on Plastic Beverage Containers. The consultation, launched on February 22 and will wrap up later this month, is aimed at seeking public’s input on how to implement a producer responsibility scheme related to plastic product containers. Rotarian Eliza shared some horrifying statistics: on average, every resident in HK each year consumes roughly 200 plastic bottles, generating nearly 40,000 tons of plastic. Most of these bottles are recyclable PET plastic, but very often they are dumped with general wastage and not isolated for recycling. Rotarian Eliza urged all members to contribute to the consultation, whether through District PPE Committee (which is aggregating Rotarian responses as a group) or directly with EPD. Rtn. Eliza also mentioned that she would quickly design and share a fillable Google form so that Rotarians and spouses can easily contribute their thoughts.