Club meeting — The Role of Sports in Social Development

On May 12, District Governor Keith Chow, Past District Governor Ada Cheng, Immediate Past District Governor Eric Chak and District Governor Elect Norman from District leadership joined our luncheon. From Rotary Club of Hong Kong Island East, our “mother club”, President Bernard Lee, Past President William Wong, and President Elect Rico Fung joined. Other guests included District Secretary Elizabete Fong, Mr. Kevin Chuc (a former speaker) and Winnie (Past President Dora’s guest).

Our Honorary Member Vivien Lau introduced our speaker, the Honorable Kenneth Fok, a member of Hong Kong Legislative Council. Kenneth’s talk on “The Role of Sports in Social Development” was an extension of his talk at the 61st District Conference in 2021. Sports is more than sports. Over the course of the last 50 years of Chinese history, sports played a role in opening China to the world. In challenging political times, it is always best to keep sports and cultural exchange open among nations.

In the Q&A session we learned a bit more about Kenneth. His grandfather’s involvement in sports development in Hong Kong and China was critical to his choice of profession. Just elected to the 7th Legislative Council, Kenneth seeks to support sports, arts, culture and heritage in Hong Kong. Asked about rumors of joining our newly elected Chief Executive in the executive branch, Kenneth answered his role is to advocate for his sector in LegCo, monitor the government and accumulate experience. Finally, Rotarian Fei gave our Club’s vote of thanks.