On May 9, President Mark, Past President Grace, Past President CK, Rotarian SS and Liliana distributed hot meals to over 200 elderly in the Cheung Sha Wan area. The day was hot, but light drizzles just before the start of the distribution cooled the air slightly. Rotarians improvised and added an extra distribution counter (thanks to the abundance of volunteering hands!), and accelerated the distribution to make sure that, even if drizzles turned into downpour, the distribution would be successful, as it was.
On May 2, Past President WT led a team consisting of Past Presidents Grace Yen, Dora Liu, Samuel Chung, Rotarian Sammy and spouses to distribute hot meal and health supplies to the needy.
On May 1, Immediate Past President Lily, Rotarian SS and Liliana braved the scorching summer afternoon heat and helped to distribute 3000 masks to elderly on the streets of Ngau Tau Kok. 2000 of those masks were donated by our Club to Holy Cafe, which helped to coordinate the weekend project.
On April 18, Past President Grace, Past President WT, Past President Angela and Maurice, and Grace’s friend Yvonne distribute hot meals at Holy Cafe. Over 200 meals were distributed that day. Past President WT and Maurice used their engineering skills to assemble face shields, which were given to the elderly.
On March 7, President Mark and Catherine, Past President Grace, Rotarian Jason and Sara helped at Holy Cafe to distribute hot meals to the elderly. Mrs. Maria Sung, the owner of the Cafe and the 2019 winner of The One Hong Kong Humanitarian Award, started distributing meals to her neighborhood when she realized that many elderly did not have a proper hot meal in the weekends. The pandemic exacerbated the problem because some of these elderly who might have visited their relatives or might have received visits from their relatives in the weekends were forced to be on their own as people avoided going out. On occasion, our Club donated some masks to Holy Cafe, a social enterprise, so that those elderly served by the Cafe could receive some extra masks. Our Club’s plan is to set up teams to help Mrs. Sung with her weekly hot meal distribution.