Club Installation was held at Regal Hong Kong Hotel on July 14. It was a hybrid affair, with Rotarians attending both a physical lunch and a virtual broadcast via Zoom. During the installation, the presidential sash was passed from Immediate Past President Sam to President Eliza, with Immediate Past District Governor Keith and District Governor Norman presiding over the ceremony. Many Rotarians, families and friends also attended the virtual broadcast, including Past District Governor Peter Pang, District Governor Elect Andy Li, District Governor Nominee Nigel Lo, Assistant Governor Brian Ho, representatives from our service partners, representatives from our Interact and Rotaract Clubs, invited guests and friends of our Club, and our esteemed sister club friends from Rotary Club of Pudu, Rotary Club of Taoyuan Southeast and Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen. Congratulations to President Eliza, and enjoy a splendid year as Immediate Past President, Sam!