On June 24, our Club met at Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces. President Mark began by inviting President Elect Sam to summarize arrangements for Club Installation and District Installation. Club Installation shall include a Paul Harris Fellows (PHF) recognition session in which 14 members shall be recognized for achieving new PHFs or new PHF tiers. President Elect Sam also briefly talked about ”The Familiar Strangers” charity concert on August 3. The concert, organized by Suicide Prevention Services, shall be one of incoming President’s first fellowship events. President Elect Sam says that a Whatsapp signup sheet shall be circulated in due course, and urges members to sign up themselves as well as their families and friends. President Mark reported that our sister Club, Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen, has done a great job donating health supplies to local hospitals to combat a surging Covid-19 pandemic in Taiwan. Heeding their call for help on social media, our Board has approved a special donation to their Club to join their humanitarian effort. The donation is further topped up with extra donations from individual members and…