Suicide Prevention Services Charity Walk 2023

November 4, President Jason, Past President Grace and her family, Past President Dora and her friends, Past President Mark, Rotarian Ka Man and her dad, participated in a charity walk organized by Suicide Prevention Services and Past President Lily. It was a very sunny and warm day, perfect for an easy walk around Clear Water Bay Golf and Country Club. Apart from our members from our Club, there were other Rotarians, including Past District Governors YC Ho and Eric Chak, and members from other Clubs. Past President Lily also invited Assistant Governor Roy Tang, a past contestant of “中年好聲音”, to perform after the charity walk.

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Suicide Prevention Services 月滿佳節譜關懷 Mid-Autumn Service Visit

On September 24, President Jason, Past President Lily, President Elect David, Rotarian Ka Man, Rotary-Anns Coco and Sara, together with RCC HSU Patrick SC Poon Amity College and Master Dr Thomas Man, and friends, have joined hands to visit elderly in public housing in Kwun Tong and Kwai Tsing Districts.

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Club meeting — Lai Chi Wo

The Duty Rotarians arrived early on June 9 and ready to receive our speaker Professor Danny Lam. During the club activities report, Past President Eddie remarked how two days of volunteering on June 1 & 2 at LINKS Café and Holy Café, respectively, has improved his fitness. Packing, transporting and distributing 360 gift bags was indeed a hefty job. Then, led by Past President WT, we sang Happy Birthday to Past President Kay whose birthday was on June 14. Charter President Patrick gave the introduction of the speaker. Professor Danny Lam is currently Professor, Department of Politics and Public Administration, The University of Hong Kong (“HKU”). As Director of the Policy for Sustainability Lab at HKU, Professor Danny, in partnership with HSBC, headed the rural rejuvenation project of Lai Chi Wo which turned it into a working farm and co-operative. Professor Lam first explained the background which he had to work with. About 40 per cent of Hong Kong’s total land area is protected from development by the Country Parks Ordinance. The down side is that basic infrastructure development in villages, or enclaves, surrounded by country parks is also bound by these rules. The result is that many villages are…

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Service Days at LINKS Cafe and Holy Cafe

Suicide Prevention Services (SPS) applied for funds under the HK Jockey Club Charities Trust’s COVID-19 Emergency Fund. Initiated by SPS, this project (抗疫見喜樂) was hosted in conjunction with Holy Cafe’s hot meal box service and supported by volunteers, family/friends of Rotary Club of Hong Kong Harbour. Putting together 360 care packages (福袋) was the first step on Day 1 (June 1). The volunteers accomplished the task in just about one-hour at LINKS Cafe, SPS’s outlet in Kwai Hing. On Day 2 (June 2) 11am, volunteers moved all the bags by 5-ton truck to Holy Cafe. By 3pm, we started to distribute meal boxes and the gift bags, finishing at about 6pm. Some volunteers were inside the shop putting together the meal boxes and distributing them and the gift bags. Some were outside doing a mental wellness survey of the elderly and maintaining order. Volunteers from our club included: President Sam (+ sister Yvette, sister-in-law Emily, nephew Derek, niece Nicole), Past President Lily (+ sister Alice, nephew Sherlock, friends Bary & Antony), Past President Webster (+ son Shum Yeh), Past President Eddie & Rita (+ Rita’s sister Connie & Shun), Immediate Past President Mark, Past President Grace, President Elect Eliza and…

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Elderly Outreach

On September 12, several of our members and friends, including: President Sam, Past President Lily and Ken, Past President Samuel and Amy, President Elect Eliza and Tiffany, Coco, Yvonne and Kelly, went to Suicide Prevention Services Headquarters in Choi Hung Estate to take part in an elderly outreach service program for Mid-Autumn Festival. Past President Lily gave a tour around the headquarters which housed the well-regarded SPS call center. Heading out in four teams, the teams visited elderly cases in the East Kowloon area and gave them care packages which contained mooncakes, biscuits, masks and other daily items. After the teams returned, a debriefing with each team and a social worker concluded the day. It was a great Mid-Autumn festival service outing that benefited the elderly in the district.

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August Fellowship dinner

On August 23, our first fellowship dinner of the year to celebrate August birthday stars (Charter President Patrick, Wendy, Past President Samuel, Past President Angela, Kelly and President Sam) took place at the Shun Tak Fraternal Association restaurant. Thanks to Past President Grace and Vice President Kelvin/Winnie’s arrangement. Paul Harris pins were also presented by Past District Governor Belinda and President Sam to Past President Ricky (PHF+1) and Immediate Past President Mark (PHF+3, PHF+4). At the end of the dinner, a lucky draw was conducted to give out Suicide Prevention Services souvenir stamp booklets, organic tea from Holy Cafe, and a special “PPE” lucky draw of takeaway food boxes.

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Charity concert

On August 3, President Sam, Past President Antonio and Pat, Past Presidents Grace, Angela, Dora and CK, and Immediate Past President Mark, supported Past President Lily and Past President Patric’s Suicide Prevention Services Charity Concert – “The Familiar Strangers”. It was a lovely night of piano duets and tango music. The gift bag was also beautifully curated, containing washable masks, coffee drip bags, postcard and a well-designed program book. An early fellowship dinner was arranged by President Sam at the City Hall Chinese restaurant.

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Elderly outreach

On July 18, our first service outing of the Rotary Year! Arranged by Past President Lily with the NGO, Suicide Prevention Services (生命熱線), we volunteered for the Outreach Befriending Service for Suicidal Elderly. This is a program sponsored by The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust to support the elderly with emotional distress and suicidal thoughts through professional case services and befriending volunteer support. The theme of the day, due to the hot summer season, was, “消暑打氣(Don’t)冬瓜水”. President Sam, President Elect Eliza (& Tiffany), Rotarian Jason (& Sara), Past President Samuel (& Amy), Rtnnes. Coco and Kelly met Lily at SPS’s Links Café in Kwai Hing. Divided into four outreach teams, the teams visited 14 elderly cases at their homes in the West Kowloon district and gave them a care package containing biscuits, hygiene masks, hand sanitizer, sweet heart cake (老婆餅), and winter melon water (冬瓜水). During these home visits, team members chatted with them and found out how they were doing, how is their health and whether any other support is needed.

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Club meeting — Club Assembly

On June 24, our Club met at Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces. President Mark began by inviting President Elect Sam to summarize arrangements for Club Installation and District Installation. Club Installation shall include a Paul Harris Fellows (PHF) recognition session in which 14 members shall be recognized for achieving new PHFs or new PHF tiers. President Elect Sam also briefly talked about ”The Familiar Strangers” charity concert on August 3. The concert, organized by Suicide Prevention Services, shall be one of incoming President’s first fellowship events. President Elect Sam says that a Whatsapp signup sheet shall be circulated in due course, and urges members to sign up themselves as well as their families and friends. President Mark reported that our sister Club, Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen, has done a great job donating health supplies to local hospitals to combat a surging Covid-19 pandemic in Taiwan. Heeding their call for help on social media, our Board has approved a special donation to their Club to join their humanitarian effort. The donation is further topped up with extra donations from individual members and…

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On June 10, President Mark, President Elect Sam and Rotarian Eliza visited LINKS Cafe, a community center focused on providing services to carers and families of elderly exhibiting depressive or suicidal tendencies. The center, styled in the form of a coffee shop, provides a comfortable venue for social workers and service targets to talk about life’s difficulties in a safe and relaxed environment. The venue also hosts events and classes to uplift the community. The center is run by Suicide Prevention Services, where Past President Lily currently works. Mr. WT Tsun, Past President Lily’s colleague, not only gave us an introduction of the center’s service offerings, but offered each of us a delicious cup of hot beverage.

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