On June 10, President Mark, President Elect Sam and Rotarian Eliza visited LINKS Cafe, a community center focused on providing services to carers and families of elderly exhibiting depressive or suicidal tendencies. The center, styled in the form of a coffee shop, provides a comfortable venue for social workers and service targets to talk about life’s difficulties in a safe and relaxed environment. The venue also hosts events and classes to uplift the community. The center is run by Suicide Prevention Services, where Past President Lily currently works. Mr. WT Tsun, Past President Lily’s colleague, not only gave us an introduction of the center’s service offerings, but offered each of us a delicious cup of hot beverage.

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Club meeting — AI and ed tech

On June 10, our Club met at Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces. Mr. Kenneth She joined as a guest of Past President WT. President Mark began by recounting memorable episodes from Interota 2020, which closed the day before. President Mark also asked those members who have signed up for Rotary Virtual Convention to check their emails to gain access links. President Elect Sam gave more details about Club Assembly, Club Installation and District Installation. Charter President Patrick reported that he attended Rotary Club of Pudu’s Interact Leadership Training Seminar, held via Zoom. He had fond memories of his appointment as Youth Service Director of Rotary Club of Pudu, in the late 70s. He also reminded us that fellowship and international understanding are two important pillars of the Interact experience, and that our Club should open more opportunities for our youth to experience both. Finally, Past President Samuel counted members’ efforts during our service day at Holy Cafe in the previous weekend, the 14th official outing of this Rotary Year, and commented that Coco was mad that she couldn’t join us for the…

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