District Installation

On July 13, 10 Harbour Rotarians attended District Installation at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. It was a long evening with a ton of speeches, but also a ton of fun.

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Club meeting — Peer Mediation

Rotarian Eliza Ning of Rotary Satellite Club of Tolo Harbour Happy Health came to our Club to give a talk on “Peer Mediation”. A career banker, Eliza upon retirement has a new-found interest in mediation, particularly amongst our youth. She shared her experience taking classes on mediation, attending peer mediation competitions among secondary schools, and teaching mediation techniques to secondary schoolers. She is hopeful that conflicts, especially among our youth, can be resolved through peer mediation techniques, including active listening, reframing, uncovering underlying interests, doubt creation to firm beliefs etc. These techniques, when properly executed, help to promote an environment whereby others resolve conflict through mutual understanding.

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3 Generations of Club Installations

As July arrives, members are busy attending various Club Installations in the District. Amongst the most important Installations are those of our mother Club (Rotary Club of HK Island East), baby Club (Rotary E Club of Lantau), and grandbaby Club (Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong).

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