Public Image promotion

On October 16, led by Assistant Governor Sunny Chen and Deputy Assistant Governor Stella Law, it was Area 3’s turn to be promoted on Ming Pao as part of our District’s Public Image initiatives. Our Past President Lily and Past President Thomas Yeung from the Public Image Committee was on hand to help with the day’s work. President Sam represented our Club and described the major works of our Club and the signature 35th Anniversary Endowment Fund. It was a wonderful afternoon in Stanley and Presidents had an enjoyable fellowship.

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District Governor’s Visit

On September 30, District Governor visited our Club (at President Sam’s office). President Sam, Charter President Patrick, Vice President Kelvin, Past Presidents Kay, Grace and Webster, President Elect Eliza and Rotarian Jason represented our Club and our Board. District Governor Keith Chow led a full team from the District including: Assistant Governor Sunny Chen, Chief District Secretary Ron Chan, Deputy Assistant Governors Stella Law and Stacy Ho, and District Secretaries Brian Ho and Louis Ma. It was also agreed that District Governor Keith will be our speaker at our January 13 lunch meeting.

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