Installations of various Clubs in Area 3

On July 8, President Mark, Past District Governor Belinda and Past President Lily attended the Club Installation of Rotary Club of The HUB Hong Kong. On July 9, President Mark attended the Club Installation of Rotary Club of HK Northeast to congratulate his classmates Immediate Past President Heidi Lee and President Martin Law.

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Club meeting x Foundation AGM

On July 9, our Club met for lunch at Regal Hongkong Hotel, our first meeting of the new Rotary year. While the government has somewhat relaxed gathering rules, special precautions were still in place: all attendees were required to get their temperature checked and their hands alcohol-wiped before entering the venue; and attendees were divided into small tables. During the meeting, President Mark gave updates of various District-level and Club activities, as well as upcoming Installations of other Clubs. Past President Grace described in detail our hot meals distribution program at Holy Cafe on July 4. Past President Dora updated us regarding constant liaison with our sister clubs. Our Club’s Foundation AGM was also held. Past President Kay, as Chair, reported on the finances and activities of our Foundation. Several matters were discussed and motioned during the AGM, including the reappointment of Past President Kay, Past District Governor Belinda, Past President Grace and President Elect Sam as directors of the Foundation and election of Past President Kay as Chair. Finally, President Mark noted that, as we enter the new Rotary year, we should be careful while addressing Rotarians as many of them may have new Rotary titles. While President Mark…

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District Training Assembly

On June 13, our District conducted Training Assembly for incoming Club officers and directors. Various members attended, including Past District Governor Belinda, who chaired a breakout session; and Past President Angela, who was at the main stage most of the time coordinating the proceedings. Past Presidents Angela and Grace were awarded District Training Leader certificates during a plenary session.

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District Public Image Seminar

On September 21, Club members attended District Public Image Seminar at Regal Hongkong Hotel. Perhaps “attending PI Seminar” was not the most appropriate description: our Club members, including Past District Governor Belinda Yeung, Past Presidents Grace Yen, Angela Hui and Dora Liu, and Immediate Past President Lily Chan all have important roles and duties in the District Public Image Committee, led by Chair Past District Governor Belinda, and were instrumental in the planning and execution of this Seminar. On this same day, the Committee unveiled the Rotary People of Action Photo Competition, which is surely one of the most high-anticipated events in this Rotary year.

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District Installation

On July 13, 10 Harbour Rotarians attended District Installation at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. It was a long evening with a ton of speeches, but also a ton of fun.

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Club meeting — Peer Mediation

Rotarian Eliza Ning of Rotary Satellite Club of Tolo Harbour Happy Health came to our Club to give a talk on “Peer Mediation”. A career banker, Eliza upon retirement has a new-found interest in mediation, particularly amongst our youth. She shared her experience taking classes on mediation, attending peer mediation competitions among secondary schools, and teaching mediation techniques to secondary schoolers. She is hopeful that conflicts, especially among our youth, can be resolved through peer mediation techniques, including active listening, reframing, uncovering underlying interests, doubt creation to firm beliefs etc. These techniques, when properly executed, help to promote an environment whereby others resolve conflict through mutual understanding.

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