Club meeting — filmmaking in Hong Kong and mainland x visit by Immediate Past District Governor Wilson Cheng

On October 22, our Club met for lunch at our usual meeting venue, Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces. The meeting began with President Mark giving quick updates of Club and District activities. President Mark also gave details about District Governor’s visit, which occurred the week before. The floor was then yielded to Immediate Past District Governor (“IPDG”) Wilson Cheng, who visited our Club to personally present the Rotary International 2019-20 Excellence in Service to Humanity Award to Wendy Poon. IPDG Wilson also brought gifts for everyone, but especially presented gifts to Club members who served the District with distinction during his tenure as District Governor: Charter President Patrick and Past District Governor Belinda for their leadership and advice; Past Presidents Grace and Angela for their work in public image, district training, District Conference etc.; Past President Lily for being his Deputy Assistant Governor for Area 3; and Past Presidents Dora and Lily for their work in public image and event preparations. President Mark also received, on our Club’s behalf, Rotary International Citation for 2019-20 as well as highly-rated wines for our members…

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Rotary Leadership Institute

On consecutive days of October 16-17, Rotarian Jason attended Rotary Leadership Institute (“RLI”), which seeks to provide quality education in Rotary knowledge and leadership skills to Rotarians interested in developing their Rotary participation and to those identified by Rotary Clubs as having a potential in club leadership. Needless to say, Rotarian Jason is not recently identified as having leadership potential, but has for many years been leading aspects of our Club in many ways, including the planning and execution of our many community service projects this year, as well as aspects of Club Service and other activities. Past Presidents Grace and Angela, both certified District Trainers, were trainers at RLI.

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Club meeting — autonomous transport systems

On October 8, our Club met for lunch at our usual meeting venue, Regal Hong Kong Hotel. To ensure proper social distancing, Regal has given us a large room, with 4-person tables separated by ample spaces. The meeting began with President Mark giving some updates about our Club and our District. Past President WT also summarized two consecutive weeks of delivering hot meals to the elderly and to sanitation workers. Before the speaker program, our members also celebrated the happy news that our Honorary Member Vivien Lau was awarded Silver Bauhinia Star by the Chief Executive on October 1. A cake was prepared by Regal for the occasion and shared by all at the end of the meeting. Our speaker of the day was Mr. Jackson Lam, an automotive consultant who has worked in marketing and corporate strategy for some of the largest auto manufacturers and their distributors in the world. Jackson shared with us the latest and greatest advances in autonomous transport, the prerequisite of which is a stable electric-based system and sensor technologies. Jackson noted that China is at or near the forefront of autonomous driving, mainly because provincial and local governments have been very accommodative towards the…

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Hot meal distribution at Holy Cafe

On October 3, our volunteer team returned to Cheung Sha Wan, for a second time in the past fortnight, to deliver hot meals to the elderly. On occasion, more than 200 Mid Autumn care packages, donated by various Club members, were also distributed. Care packages were being prepared the night before and hours before the start of distribution. Rotarian Jason led a team consisting of President Mark, Past Presidents Grace, WT and Samuel, and Coco.

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Lap Chee Rotaractors joined Beach Cleanup

On October 3, Past President Sally Oh and Rotaractor Bobby Zhang of Rotaract Club of HKU Lap Chee College International joined Rotarians and families and Rotaractors in Discovery Bay for the first beach cleanup event of this Rotary Year. The event, titled “#OneTonneLess – Beach Cleaning Programme”, aims to remove at least one tonne of ocean trash each year along the shorelines of Hong Kong. Sally and Bobby reported that they found the event meaningful and plan to join subsequent sessions if time allows.

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Members’ News

Our Honorary Member Vivien Lau was awarded Silver Bauhinia Star (“SBS”) by the Chief Executive on October 1. Congratulations Hon. Member Vivien! Here’s the citation for her lifelong dedication to sports in Hong Kong: Ms LAU is awarded SBS in recognition of her meritorious public and community service over the years, in particular her significant contribution to the promotion and development of sports in Hong Kong. Under her leadership, the Hong Kong Tenpin Bowling Congress has successfully developed tenpin bowling into one of the elite sports, with athletes winning numerous medals at various international competitions. Since 1996, Ms LAU has been elected as the Vice President of the Sports Federation and Olympic Committee of Hong Kong, China. She led delegations of Hong Kong athletes to participate in various international multi-sports events with remarkable achievements.

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