On March 26, our Club met on Zoom to celebrate our Club’s 35th Anniversary. District Governor Keith Chow, Immediate Past District Governor Eric Chak, District Governor Elect Norman Lee, District Governor Nominee Andy Li, District Governor Nominee Designate Nigel Lo, Chief District Secretary Ron Chan from the District joined our Zoom celebration. Past Club members including Douglas Hsia, Yoshie Takenaka, Kennedy Tang, Veronica DeKrey, Eddie Wong, CK Chan, Charles Lam, Patric Lee and Theresa Chan also joined. Organizing Committee Chair and President Elect Eliza, President Sam, District Governor Keith, Charter President Patrick and Past District Governor Belinda gave us opening remarks to kick off this special celebration. We also played snippets of video congratulations messages from Rotary International President Shekhar Mehta, Past Rotary International President Gary Huang, future District leaders, as well as Presidents of our sister Clubs. President Elect Eliza announced winners of the 35th anniversary photo competition. Past Presidents Ricky and Webster led us through a wonderful edition of Hong Kong Harbour ABC quiz. We particularly thank Organizing Committee Chair President Elect Eliza and the rest of the Organizing Committee for planning the original physical celebration and then this Zoom celebration.
On August 3, President Sam, Past President Antonio and Pat, Past Presidents Grace, Angela, Dora and CK, and Immediate Past President Mark, supported Past President Lily and Past President Patric’s Suicide Prevention Services Charity Concert – “The Familiar Strangers”. It was a lovely night of piano duets and tango music. The gift bag was also beautifully curated, containing washable masks, coffee drip bags, postcard and a well-designed program book. An early fellowship dinner was arranged by President Sam at the City Hall Chinese restaurant.
On February 11, our Club continued our regular meeting on Zoom due to the ongoing pandemic and government gathering restrictions. President Bennett Chen from Rotary E-Club of Lantau and President Candy Cheung from Rotary Club of Neoteric Hong Kong joined as speakers. President Bennett was accompanied by his members: Assistant Governor Anna Or, Past Presidents Patric Lee and Andrew Wong, and Rotarian Kermit Lee. President Candy was accompanied by her members: Past Presidents Helen Or and Alice Tsang, Immediate Past President Edmond Wong, and President Elect Sean Kwan. As evidenced by their large entourages, our Club is grateful that the two Presidents are well supported by their respective Clubs. The meeting began with our customary Rotary song and usual Club and District reports. President Elect Sam also summarized an earlier meeting with Scouts. Thereafter, the (virtual) floor was yielded to Presidents Bennett and Candy, who gave summaries of their current and upcoming projects. Highlights by President Bennett included his Club’s build-up of an enviable, District-leading nine-Club Interact network, their multi-year scholarship program for youth, and their current fundraising activity, titled “500 for 500”. The idea is to challenge participants to do 500 iterations of something, be it pushups, sit-ups, kilometers(!)…
President Mark Tong, together with Past Presidents Dora Liu, Webster Ng and Patric Lee of Rotary E Club of Lantau, and Joey, visited our Sister Club in Kuala Lumpur over the weekend of July 12-14. President Mark could not stay for one more than one night as he had to return to Hong Kong on July 13 to attend District Installation, but the rest stayed behind to attend our Sister Club’s 53rd Installation. Naturally, they were feasted with fabulous food and warm hospitality from our dearest Rotarians from Pudu. President Mark did manage to join Pudu’s fellowship evening, during which the Sister Club Agreement between the two Clubs was renewed. Harbour Rotarians also managed to watch a presentation by Past District Governor Paul Lee, who is readying a Global Grant application to build water access for indigenous people in the rural forests of Malaysia.