Club meeting — Society for Community Organization

A total of 11 Club members attended the first regular lunch meeting in 2023. Thanks to ex-Rotarian Ann Coco, a new potential member Summly Lee was introduced to our Club. Summly is a Barrister-at-Law by profession. We also have Miss Wong Ka Man (guest of Charter President Patrick) joining us for the second time. Guest Speaker was Miss Si from Society for Community Organization (“SoCo”), who shared with us the topic of poverty and housing inequality in Hong Kong. Miss Si of Society for Community Organization (SoCo) gave us a brief introductionof SoCo. Founded in 1971, SoCo serves the underprivileged. SoCo also undertakes original social policy research, lobbies Hong Kong decision making bodies and organizes direct action events. According to their research, as of 2020 Hong Kong has a very high poverty rate especially amongst children (27%) and elderly in poverty (45%) before policy intervention. Area 3 has been working closely with SoCo on a regular basis, visiting cage homes and sub-divided flats and delivering protection gears/food/food voucher to the needy since this past Rotary Year. So far, President Eliza and Past President Grace had joined the visits. During the visits, SoCo will build up relationships with the needy and…

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Health Project with Caritas

Finally our District Grant Project with Caritas Tsuen Wan and Ngau Tau Kok kickstarted with a health talk on December 16 and 19 respectively for underprivileged women who were mostly recovered from Covid. Our Club sponsored a total of 100 women to do health check during February to April 2023 with DEXA scans to help detecting osteoporosis and other major women related diseases. During the health talk, many women were quiteconcerned about HPV related diseases and ways to prevent it.

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Club meeting — Club AGM

Our Club met to celebrate Christmas and to elect our Club Board for RY2023-24. President Elect Jason chaired the dinner meeting while President Eliza took leave of absence due to illness. There were 22 attendees, including our Honorary Member MF and his wife Ping, 13 members, and 7 spouses. President Elect Jason began by summarizing past activities and upcoming ones, including our women’s health screening project with Caritas. Thereafter, PE Jason moved onto the main focus of the evening: our Annual General Meeting. After quorum was met, PE Jason declared the General Meeting opened. He proceeded to move through the agenda, including putting up his nominations for next Rotary Year’s Club Board, for members’ consideration. In the end, all nominees put forward by President Elect Jason were elected by acclamation. After AGM was declared closed, our fellowship began. For sharing, President Elect Jason brought two prized bottles of single malts, while PP Mark brought two bottles of red wines. Sumptuous dinner was provided by Regal, followed by an exhilarating game of Bingo, hosted by Past President Webster, Past President Lily and President Elect Jason. After Past President Eddie playfully complained in our Club Whatsapp group that not everyone won something,…

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Virtual Sister Club Visit

We visited our Sister Club, Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen during their regular lunch meeting via Zoom. We had President Eliza, President Elect Jason, Past President Eddie, Past President Samuel, Past President Grace, Past President Dora and Past President Lily attended the meeting. During the meeting, Past President Samuel helped to promote the Yuk Chi Global Grant and received positive feedback. A follow-up Zoom meeting with Past Presidents Kevin and Ronald of Rotary Club of Taipei Mingmen was also held on December 14.

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CPR/AED Education Project 2022-23 Opening Ceremony

Rotary CPR/AED Education Project 2022-23 Opening Ceremony was held at St John Tower. Our Club was a Silver Sponsor of this project, which is organized by our good friends from Rotary Club of Hong Kong Northeast. President Eliza and Past President Grace attended the ceremony. Past President Charles shared his life saving experiences using the 50-year-old CPR method but still worked and saved his golfing buddy during alightning strike at a golf course! The latest CPR/AED machine and technique was demonstrated by students from Queen’s College.

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Hot meal distribution at Holy Cafe

It was a busy afternoon with 12 Rotarians and family members helping out, including: President Eliza, Past President Samuel and Amy, Past President Grace, Past President Lily and sister Alice, Past President Ricky with Grace and Boris, Coco, Rotarian Tony anddaughter. We helped to register 350 elderlies, including 65 new beneficiaries.

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Club meeting — HK Tech 300

Regular Club meeting was held at Regal on October 27. We kicked off the meeting with activity reports from the previous weeks. Most significantly, President Elect Jason helped us to refresh our memories of our participation in End Polio Walkathon and Carnival on October 22. We then welcomed Dr Laura Lo, an Associate Vice President at City University of Hong Kong (CityU) and Chairman of HK Tech 300 Incubation Subcommittee. She is no stranger to members of our Club; she is not only a good friend and colleague of our Rotarian Fei, but also a good friend and scouting colleague of President Eliza’s brother. She came to talk to us about tech and innovation in Hong Kong, and specifically about HK Tech 300, an entrepreneurship program organized by CityU to encourage young minds to take their first steps to become entrepreneurs. Eligible participants receive some training before applying for HK$100k seed funding. After this initial funding period, eligible participants compete for angel funding, up to HK$1 million. Anyone affiliated with CityU is eligible to enter this program, including the general public who enters into licensing agreements to deploy intellectual property developed by CityU’s academics. Dr Lo admitted that while most…

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Club meeting — HK Real Estate Market’s Transformation

Regular Club meeting was held on October 13. We welcomed back President Eliza, whoreturned after taking some time off recovering from a medical condition. We also welcomed Past President Mark’s son, Wally, who was enjoying his term break and managed to join our meeting and say hi to all the Harbour aunties and uncles. Members took turns to give activity reports from the past weeks, including one adventurous trip to Lai Chi Wo (荔枝窩). Members thanked Past President Webster for the arrangements. President Elect Jason reported that President Eliza and himself attended District Incorporation Committee’s Consultation Session regarding reorganization of District’s legal entities. President Elect Jason further encouraged members to sign up for End Polio Walk, to be held on October 22. Past President Mark, our Club’s Preserve Planet Earth Chair, also encouraged members to sign up for District’s Carbon Reduction and Ecology Summit (October 30) as well as Mangrove Sapling Plantation and EcologicalConservation Tour (November 5). Ms. Sandia Lau, Director of Centaline Property Agency, was our speaker. She talked about Hong Kong real estate market’s transformation during the pandemic. In the pandemic, Sandia argued that “work from home” has changed how buyers perceive a home, now often preferring larger…

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Club Constitution and Bylaws Review

Immediate Past President Sam kicked off the first meeting on our Club Constitution and Bylaws Review. President Eliza, President Elect Jason and Past President Grace attended. Hardworking Immediate Past President Sam did the first cut and was setting some specific questions for the team (including Charter President Patrick, Past District Governor Belinda and Past President Kay as well) before the next meeting.

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